Annual Report
1. The Annual Report includes:
1.1. a financial statement;
1.2. a management report.
2. The Annual Report is prepared:
2.1. on an accrual and cash basis;
2.2. as the consolidated accounting of one unit, by excluding mutual transactions and balances between entities involved in the consolidation;
2.3. on the basis of records and data specified in the acts of data reconciliation.
The usefulness of information provided in the Annual Report is presented by quality features – truthfulness, comparability, significance, clarity and completeness. Information is relevant to users if it is received in a timely manner and can be used in assessing events of the past, the present and future, thereby confirming previous assessments or correcting them. Information is essential to the users it its absence or incorrectness affects the Annual Report users decisions, taken on the basis of this information.
Preparation of Annual Report for a small company (up to 2 employees, small amount of documents) | from 100 Eur |
Preparation of Annual Report for a limited liability company | from 120 Eur |
Preparation of an Annual income statement for self-employed persons | from 80 Eur |
Preparation of an Annual income statement for individuals | from 70 Eur |